4 episodes in and I'm having a tough time sticking with this.
5 June 2021
I wish I could give this a higher score. I was really looking forward to this coming with C. M. And the Stabler character, but it's not the Stabler I remember. And what lazy writing when the writers have him blurt out what he says to Olivia. I mean didn't we already see that eons ago, when a character uses those words and then finds away to take it back? I'm in hopes this show is lacking because of all the shut downs and delays due to well you know 2020. My honest opinion this show needs a major retooling for season 2. Complete with a new show runner, and some casting changes. And; like another reviewer mentioned "do the writers think we're so dumb that we don't notice the changes with the kids". Also; I actually like D. M. As a mob boss I just don't buy it. Not even if he was to stick a few marbles in his mouth and mumble his lines, LOL.
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