Due South: Heaven and Earth (1995)
Season 1, Episode 19
Heaven and Earth
5 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Jonathan Banks plays Garrett a homeless man with psychic abilities.

He has disturbing visions of a young woman who has been abducted. Then a man in a red coat who looks like Fraser who is there while the pit is filling up with dirt.

Garrett goes to the police station carrying a locket that belongs to the woman. When he sees Fraser he panics and runs.

The FBI are called in because the woman's father has political connections. The FBI think that Garrett is a person of interest.

Fraser thinks that there is something in Garrett's visions.

A literate script that quotes Hamlet and varies the formula. It is a story where the kidnapper is killed after a car chase.

It leaves Fraser and Vecchio in a race against time to find the woman.

There is a side story where Fraser confesses to Vecchio that his sister had a close encounter with him.
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