Unnecessary. Unintelligent. LAZY.
6 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
So...you title your movie "The Cloverfield Paradox", yet you never go into any detail on what that is. It's a situation where you smash togather multiple demensions and/or timelines. Nobody seems to know anything beyond that or what constitutes the word paradox. The TRUTH is that the writers don't know either. They made it up as an excuse to bend reality and do weird things which isn't bad on its own, but the problem is that they set no boundaries whatsoever. No wonder JJ Abrams produced this garbage. Time travel, multiple realities, wormholes(?), impossible physics, teleportation, a functioning arm separated from someone's body, a guy having 5000 worms and a magic metal sphere in his chest, and many other dumb as **** things are all possible apparently just because multiple demisions! Waazammm!! The ending might get you the first time, but upon rewatch is totally baseless and with hardly any explication or development previously. What you have is a movie that acts smart and scientific and takes itself very seriously, but is acctualy incredibly unintelligent and LAZY.

Also, why the F is anyone praising this movie for it's cast/performances?!? That is complete nonsense. The characters are all either two dementional or one demensional. Most of the delivery is flat and the overall weak writing doesn't help. These people can't even cry; the tears are obviously fake and most of what little emotion there is comes from the gruesome injuries sustained by the crew. Also note that a large portion of the movie is just the crew bickering, sometimes for a good reason, sometimes not. Not all of it's acting is bad, but it's not even close to great. Some scenes are fairly good, most are mediocre, and some really suck. Do not listen to anyone who says this acting is noteworthy in any capacity. They are either dumb or a liar.

Let me explain the difference between a crappy imitation of the Sci Fi genre (backed by JJ Abrams of course🙄) and a good Sci Fi writer like Christopher Nolan. For the most part, Nolan is able to ground his ideas IN THEIR OWN WORLD. The Cloverfield Paradox does not make any sense. However, Tenet for example, doesn't make any sense either right? Wrong. Because Tenet does not BREAK ITS OWN RULES at least to the point where the average person can suspend their disbelief. Therefore, as a Sci Fi movie, it has a right to break rules without being considered nonsensical while still maintaining a serious tone. With Cloverfield Paradox, the rules are intentionally vague because the writers are lazy, period. You'd be deluded to think otherwise. It never sets defined boundaries and just goes off of the assumption that ANYTHING is possible when demensions collide, which I say again, is immensely LAZY and completely undermines it's serious tone.

A Sci Fi movie does not have to be 100% scientifically sound. However, it firstly should be either an expansion of plausible ideas/theories, or a fictional idea that is at least well developed. The Cloverfield Paradox is a fictional idea whos only context is what some unnamed guy on a TV who wrote a book by the same name says. It's acctually pretty insulting that he says 'read my book if you want to understand', yeah man that would be great if we could do that!! The second rule is that a Sci Fi movie must obey its own rules as it moves forward. Cloverfield Paradox fails on this front too because even when you just go along with the vague absurdity of it's premise, it STILL has major plot holes and stupidly impossible things. It just does whatever is most convient for that plot and throws in shocking things to keep people engaged artificially. Why does the guys body burst and explode worms everywhere? Who was he talking to in the mirror? How the F can you 3D print a gun?? How did that alternative deminsion woman know where the gun was??? Why didn't she just shoot everyone including the main character when she has the chance instead of giving speeches?? Why was there a camera on the escape pod and did she seriously just wake up at precicly the right time to catch her walking menacingly toward her crewmates? Who is the husband talking to on the phone at the end and why does that person have no clue what's going on on earth? There's forgivable plotholes and there there's this nonsense. And it once again exposes bad and LAZY writing.

To clarify again: A Sci Fi movie like this usually can start off simply with a question of "what if". What if we used a partical accelerator to smash demensions togather? When your answer is "Multiple people in different timelines will intersect" okay, nice that creates a lot of storytelling potential. When your answer is "A guys arm will glitch through a wall and start crawling around on its own" uhhhh, okay, whatever. When your answer is "A monster the size of a city will appear on earth" you are officially just writing out of your *** and I don't give a **** if it's the Cloverfield monster from a 10 year old movie because you were supposed to give real context to it here but instead you just LAZILY use it as an end twist, only raising more questions about what this connected universe is...WTF?!?! This movie is a joke and not a funny one at that. It cannot even be enjoyed while high (trust me).
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