Review of Manhunt

Star Trek: The Next Generation: Manhunt (1989)
Season 2, Episode 19
Poor material saved by the actors
8 June 2021
Enterprise carries passengers to a conference.

This is a fairly average episode with some moderately funny moments and strong performances.

The story is something that could have played out in a 22 minute sit-com with most of the amusement being derived from Lwaxana Troi's interactions with the Enterprise crew whilst the Antedian plot feels like it's there to stretch things out. Likewise the Dixon Hill scenes, which look good, feel like more time filling.

To be fair to the Lwaxana scenes they are well performed by the actors who are able to makes scenes funny that really aren't that humorously written. Majel Barrett is an excellent actress and is as great as ever. All the regular cast give her strong support, especially Patrick Stewart and Marina Sirtis.
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