Christmas with the Darlings (2020 TV Movie)
No one should be alone for Christmas.
9 June 2021
The youngest Darlington, Max, and the oldest's (Charles) soon to be former assistant extraordinaire (Jessica) volunteer to watch the three new wards of the Darlingtons instead of allowing them to be shipped off to boarding school for Christmas.

The kids are very quiet and well behaved...missing their aunt Matilda and stressed over the changes in their life. The kids all end up wanting to sleep together in their dad's old room on their first night.

"Max always was a free spirit, but his heart's as big as Kansas, and his energy is boundless...always was."

The story is really about making Christmas special for three kids who lost their parents and ultimately bringing one whole family together over Christmas.

One fun and very sweet activity that they do with the kids is decorate a tree outside with homemade ornaments that animals can eat.

While helping the kids enjoy their Christmas holiday, Max and Jessica get to know each other and ultimately fall in love.

"Christmas has a way of bringing up a lot of memories."

"You should do the right thing because it is the right thing to do, not to brag about it."

I love seeing people make their first list and being willing to give someone a second chance.

This was not your typical Hallmark Christmas movie. It was a sweet feel good movie. It seemed natural and well meaning with its happily ever after.

This is a great holiday film that I think everyone but the grinch will enjoy.
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