Diddy TV (2016– )
Sketch comedy done wrong... awfully wrong.
11 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
When I was surfing the internet, I found this show out of nowhere. My first thoughts were "Hmm... another animated sketch comedy show. I think I'll watch the show's first episode." Bad mistake.

In fact, I was planning to watch the show's next 4 episodes, but after watching the first episode, I personally refuse. Let's check out its premise: "The Diddy Movies boss, Larry Bingbongberger was bankrupted because his movies were a disaster. But with the last of his money, he quits making movies and launched a television station for Diddy Dick and Dom on channel 6597423. It is filled with crazy and silly entertainment, sports and parodies shows like Diddy Doctor Who, Diddy Pops, Deadly Diddy 60, Diddydown and even an American sitcom RoboPop as well as adverts, most of them starring Dick and Dom." -Wikipedia

Also, I know this series contains puppetry, but hear me out. I've done some research and here's what came up: "The whole "puppets aren't animation" assertion is a total nonstarter to me. Puppeteers are literally animating an otherwise static object, similar to stop motion animation, they're just fortunate that their craft doesn't entail going frame-by-frame. It's true that puppet shows are not cartoons, but that does not disqualify them from being animation in their own right." -LazyBot (YouTube) In addition to this, the backgrounds in this show aren't live-action and there aren't any humans shown portraying the characters, therefore it's even closer to animation. But I digress.

To start off the review (for real), the theme song's lyrics are okay. I'll give the show that. However, the theme song in general is painful to listen to, because of Diddy Dick and Dom's voices (I'll get to the voice acting in a little bit). It's like if they were told to sing as off-key as possible. I don't know if they were actually told to do that, but that's my guess.

The writing feels rushed. For example, in the Diddy Who segment, as soon as the titular character tries to find a way to defeat Robucket, he immediately decides against that and gets french fries. Was that really necessary? Also, the Personal Injury Experts segment is a pitiful attempt at humor. I don't have anything else to say here, so I will move on.

I don't know the studio who animated this show, but here's my criticism for whoever did: the animation looks terrible. For example, the CGI, particularly the Diddy TV logo, the effects, and the intros of the fictional shows, have no complex lighting or shading. And I swear, most of the backgrounds look like stock images but edited to make them seem different. If that's the case, then that's lazy beyond all belief. You need to learn to create your own. Also, in the 24 Seconds in A&E segment, there was a realistic image of a heart. It just didn't blend well.

The character designs are simply bad. The puppets I don't care much for, as they're generic-looking and could've been used for much better character designs. The live-action heads, however, are a completely different story. They look like they were poorly green-screened onto the puppets, and this renders the character designs as uncanny. Why couldn't they have just ditched the live-action heads and use full puppetry instead? It would've been better. I also dislike the way the characters move, as it feels unnatural and not very convincing.

And my goodness, the voice acting is possibly the worst thing about this show. Don't get me wrong, the voices would've been better to listen to if they were normal-pitched, but here, every single character has a high-pitched voice, and they're grating to the point of being ear-damaging. What especially got on my nerves were Dick and Dom in the 24 Seconds in A&E segement and the voiceover in the Collectamups commercial. In the A&E segment, Dick and Dom were screaming their lungs off while trying to put a heart back in a body, while in the Collectamups segment, the voice actor sounded like he was screaming his lines. No joke.

The characters themselves are one-dimensional. For example, Larry Bingbongberger is just the boss of Diddy Movies, Dick and Dom are just actors in a few of these fictional shows, and the other characters serve no other purpose than to pad out the list of characters in the show.

If that wasn't enough, the show goes as far as to torture a character in an atrocious way. In the Bees or No Bees segment, a contestant named Ethel agrees to smear her face in jelly, which doesn't seem all that bad, right? Well, she is then given a box. She opens it and is immediately swarmed with bees. Wow, talk about being tortured for comedy. When will this trend ever come to a close?

There is also gross-out humor, particularly in the Diddy Dragons and The Belch segments. In the Diddy Dragons segment, Corn Flake and Freddie Dweet invent the Bum Scratcher 3000, which, as you would probably expect, scratches butts. Keep in mind, that this is a show meant for kids. In the Belch segment, a contestant burps the alphabet, which drones on and on. Let's not forget that the name of the segment itself is gross-out humor.

The music is mostly recycled from other shows, particularly Doctor Who, which is extremely lazy. Come on guys, are you really that tired? I don't find the music created for this show very memorable either, as it sounds plain average.

Another thing I want to mention is the parody names. Diddy Doctor Who? Diddy Pops? Deadly Diddy 60? Diddydown? Really? Couldn't you have been more creative with your parody names? Names such as Bees or No Bees are fine, but even those don't sound very catchy.

Lastly, why is Larry's last name... Bingbongberger? I don't know if they were trying to be humorous or if they just came up with it randomly, but it just doesn't make a lot of sense.

TLDR: This is, by far, one of the worst animated shows I have ever seen, and it's not hard to see why. From rushed writing, awful animation, and uncanny character designs, to ear-bleeding voice acting, completely flat characters, and recycled music, and gross-out humor, lazy parody names, and a terrible last name for a character, this is an animated series you will need to avoid at all costs, unless if you have the guts to sit through this abomination.

Final score: 1.5/10.
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