Don't understand the hate
12 June 2021
People are really mad about this episode in the reviews, but I found it a fitting way for this series to go out. Yes the plot is very thin and probably too many wink-nod references eg "Here's to the next generation" but we get to see these characters 10 years in as Enterprise is about to be mothballed and they are moving on to other things. It provides a fitting setting for closure on the series and seeing some of the character arcs come to an end.

I also don't understand the hate for bringing some TNG cast into it. What's not fun about seeing Riker and Troy on screen with the Enterprise crew? It was a nice linkage to the next series (in stardate chronology). We even got to see Shran one last time.

Thanks for the memories, Enterprise. A good show with it's flaws but overall I enjoyed the ride.
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