Documental (2016– )
12 June 2021
A Japanese friend recommended this show, and I've watched the four seasons available on Prime.

The show is interesting from a cultural perspective. As I understand it, a lot of the people in this show are from Japan's comedy elite.

If the people on this show are representative of Japanese comedy, my conclusion is that Japan is about 40-50 years behind. They rely heavily on wigs, costumes, false teeth and making funny faces, as if that would be enough to be hilarious. And the shouting. Oh the shouting. At times screaming.

In Sweden we have a form of comedy called "buskis", a type of backwater comedy stuck in the 60's enjoyed primarily by slack jawed yokels, which is similar in style.

Meanwhile the host is in the back room laughing his head off at absolutely everything, and I have absolutely no idea what he's laughing at. I've asked my friend if things are lost in translation, but apparently not.

Sure there are some wtf moments, but they're more desperate than funny.

So the show is culturally interesting. But is it good? No. Is it funny? Again, no.
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