Greenland (2020)
It's ok but it's been done before and it's been done better!
13 June 2021
I will start off by saying that I did not dislike it but I also didn't love it so like my rating it's somewhere in the middle for me. My main issue with this movie is that it feels like it has been done before (which it has) but it is not done any differently and that's where my issue is. You can get away with doing something the same if it's a great movie but it really is not. It is also slow paced for a movie that is supposed to keep you on the edge of your seat. Also with disaster movies they are supposed to make you feel anxious over what is going to happen but those scenes are just underwhelming and also predictable.

Overall it feels like they made this movie just to make a movie rather than putting some heart and soul into it. Eventually you don't really care for the characters (maybe you don't even care from the start) and that is a problem as well. I'm not mad that I spent a couple of hours watching it but I also wouldn't care if I would have passed this one up. Very average, middle of the road movie that you've seen 100 times already. Geostorm, deep impact, San Andreas, 2012, I could keep going, this one does not separate itself or stand out.
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