A fun, enjoyable food show.
13 June 2021
I see that some reviewers are criticizing the fact that the host does not have any culinary expertise. I think that's part of what adds to the enjoyment of this show. It's just a guy trying out some delicious meals and enjoying every moment of it. I find that relatable. I personally don't really care for food shows where the hosts are overly critical while eating food that someone like myself, who grew up on spaghetti and instant ramen, would kill to be able to eat. You don't have to be a food expert to know if something tastes good or not.

I also like the format of this show. The host visits three different restaurants in a particular city, and then he chooses which restaurant and meal was his favorite in the end. I kind of make a game out of it and try to guess which one he will choose.

Overall, this is just a fun, laid-back show to watch. Might I suggest having some food or snacks handy though because this show will make you hungry.
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