I Liked It A Lot!
14 June 2021
I caught this movie on Saturday Night Noir. I wasn't planning on watching it, but it came on after NIAGARA and I left the television on while I was cleaning and getting ready for bed. It sucked me in! I really liked the atmosphere of the movie and the spooky old house. I liked the characters. I especially liked Andrea King and the little boy.

During the commercials I looked up the movie and saw that it wasn't much of a success when it came out. I was surprised because I didn't think it was that bad. I watch a lot of old movies (seldom ever watch anything new to be honest.) and I am sort of a hyper person who constantly keeps busy. I often half watch movies while doing another task like working (I work from home online) cleaning, cooking etc. A movie has to be pretty good to get me to actually sit down. I sat down for this movie. Was it the best acting I have ever seen? No, but the main character was likable enough and the story good enough, that I didn't care. It wasn't Oscar worthy, but most of the movies I like aren't. I liked this movie very much. It kept my attention and kept me entertained to the end.
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