The most overrated series in kdrama history
14 June 2021
This drama's high rating is absurd. Viewers were continuously exhorted on fan sites to rate this show 10/10, never mind the forced acting, the dragging pace and the appalling lack of originality of the series. Fans have even been shamelessly trying to grab the "most-watched Netflix series in 2020" crown, based on inaccurate statistics in a site not affiliated with Netflix that tended to give dramas shown later in 2020 higher points than those shown earlier. Official Netflix reports have given that crown to other kdramas.

The idea of fairy-tale themed episodes is merely a copy of ABC's Once Upon A Time TV series. The storyline where the leads turned out to know each other in the past is so overused in kdramas I could not help but roll my eyes when it also came up in this fan service. Excusing a person's rotten behavior because of things that happened in her past is a rotten cliche. There are countless brave and strong people who have survived much worse trauma than what the spoiled annoying female lead went through without becoming witches. But hey, dress her up in gorgeous clothes and serve up more sex and fans would go gaga. Just turn a blind eye to the harassment the male lead suffered from the female lead. Had the genders been reversed and it was a female being harassed by a predatory male, the outrage would been deafening. But no, the harasser is dressed in designer clothes and you have to understand, she is sick having been through a rough childhood, so let her be. In fact, shower this drama with awards. Sicko predators out there could take a pointer from this drama on how to get away with bad behavior. (sarcasm alert)

Another proof of the ridiculous adulation this drama got - other kdramas are slammed for product placements, yet, the signature clothes blatantly and glaringly worn by the female lead even garnered awards!

To fans of performers, please rate responsibly, not blindly giving top marks just to put your idol's show up some lists or to influence awards committees. This has already discouraged people I know from watching more kdramas, wary all kdramas are as bad as this or even worse, since this has such a high rating. Rhapsodizing this as a family show is really going overboard unless you wish to raise wannabe predators. But they would all get cured in the end, right? So, rhapsodize away. (sarcasm alert 2).
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