Review of Earth

Earth (1930)
Alexander Dovzhenko's communistic propaganda to glorify the Soviet collectivization.
15 June 2021
Zemlya / Earth (1930) : Brief Review -

Alexander Dovzhenko's communistic propaganda to glorify the Soviet collectivization. Earth is often misunderstood by foreign cinema viewers and sometimes even by their own Soviet audience. It's fair to acknowledge the mixed reviews as the Political and revolutionalist Propaganda films always have two sides and two different kind of supporters. I wasn't familiar with this Soviet Collectivization and hostility of Kulak landowners stuff so for me it was quite a new thing to watch and to learn. In the peaceful countryside, a young man Vassily opposes the rich kulaks over the coming of collective farming. Others come in support and after a tragedy what they chose is all you have to watch in the film. The branding of local revolution always attract me, that is one of the main reason why i found all those Sergie Eisenstein's hard-hitting realistic Russian classics highly impressive. With Earth, the same factor has worked for me. Watching this entire proceed of collectivization and that Kaluks' reference, the machine use, farming and all, everything has been fantastic to watch with amazing framework. It gives you those pauses to understand the situations, i mean if anyone finds it difficult to understand then you get these slow moments to recollect what you have missed. It generally happens with foreign language cinema if the film is highly inspired by some revolt from remote place, especially when it's a silent film. Earth has different motives to tell, it may please some chunk of audience who follows the communist propaganda and it might lacerate some who are or were against it. The best to say is, it is more understandable to Soviet audience who can judge it better than others. Overall, it's a gutsy film with some real motives, we just need to look at it from postive perspective.

RATING - 7/10*

By - #samthebestest.
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