Netflix nature
16 June 2021
David Attenborough and scientist Johan Rockström pleads for action in the fight against global warming. Climate change and biodiversity collapse is threatening the world. In every environmental measurement, the world is walking willingly into the danger zone and we are running out of time.

David Attenborough brings his environmental message to Netflix. While I approve of the message, I always judge these on two standards. They either convince disbelievers or rally supporters. I don't think that this does either. First, I would reconsider the idea of the danger zone and the graphics of non-descript human figures slowly walking. I would make some of the figures be animal species and have them fall off the edge. I would zero in on one recently extinct species and do a story on that species. The most powerful section of the whole hour is the five minutes or so with the lady researcher crying over the Australian wildfires. It's really the only compelling part of the film. The rest is a lot of talking heads complaining. While I support the complaints, it's preaching to the choir and quite frankly, it's more like preaching on Super Bowl Sunday. People are just itching to leave the church. Finally, there is the section on COVID 19. It's a little annoying with the narration saying that we are the cause of the pandemic and yet it shows only images of the western world. I thought the virus originated from China in a wet market. How is Times Square responsible when nobody is eating bats there? Somebody needs to be as careful with making this film as the scientist claims to be as careful with his research.
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