Review of The Variant

Loki: The Variant (2021)
Season 1, Episode 2
The Moment It All Changes
16 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Right from the get go, the episode sets it's visual theme. Every scene in the episode uses very calm colors and is very cosy to look at as a whole. Never heavy on the eyes, this episode is by far one of the most chill installments in the MCU. Something you can lie back and relax to.

Mobius really captures the scenes he is in, once more. Although Loki takes the prize for the episode's best performance. The Pompeii moment really shined while showing the god's disregard for human life, especially after he got moist eyes while reading about Asgard. It really cements that Loki still cares about the people he knows.

While the Lady Loki reveal was pretty expected and not too shocking, the "Variant" Scene, with different people changing into a version of her was really well done. Despite being different actors, the overall effect of it being one person really exists.

Story-wise, the entire episode was a lot like a murder mystery, or problem-solving movie. The "smaller moments of brilliance that characters have and suddenly figure out something important" trope seemed a bit overused. It happens about 3-4 times in about 35 minutes. But the Apocalypse Theory and the Freedom talk that Loki has with Mobius are really great story moments. After all, Loki would understand how it feels when people decide everything for others, being an adopted child himself.

The most captivating moment of the episode, however, are the final few minutes, which possibly change the MCU forever. As the timelines diverge, the Multiverse is closer than ever to becoming reality and taking everything we know about this Earth to new levels.
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