I always loved Sesame Street.
18 June 2021
But I hated it, too. There was so much I wanted to tell your cast and crew, but I had no way to contact you. We experienced a lot of domestic violence at our home, just like Carrol. Mom built us a homemade puppet theater, complete with home-made puppets. I will never forget trying to invent a script. I wanted to use the puppets to express my rage at my family, but I knew I would get hit if I spoke my mind. So I gave up. Howard Stern interpreted life this way, too. We felt like puppets at home. Our parents were the puppet masters. We did what they said, or else. There was no such thing as freedom of speach in our house. I noticed a sarcastic tone that entered the Sesame Street crew in about 1980. After watching this video, I am convinced we were all victims of cold war era warcraft. I do believe Sesame Street is a great way to teach children. Not just letters and numbers, but big ideas like freedom of speach, and ethics as well. Oscar the Grouch makes it o.k. To be angry, and kids need to know that. They need models that show them how to have upsetting emotions, and then return to calm. Because that is real life. Adults get angry all the time. Children don't always know they have the same rights as adults, so Sesame Street and all children's programming in general is a great way to teach them. I wish I had a computer in 1975. I would have sent you emails responding to your programming all the time if I'd had one. I love you all, and hope Sesame Street stays on the air forever. By the way, growing up watching your cast had introduced multi-racial community members into our daily life. I never knew what racism was, because I watched you all getting along with each other every day on Sesame Street. I was shocked to hear about slavery and white supremacists when I got older. It was clear your cast all loved each other. Nobody ever even mentioned skin color was a problem around me or on your program when I was young.
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