Review of Superdeep

Superdeep (2020)
Great story if you know what the premise was
18 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I saw a lot of not so good reviews but one 8/10 struck a cord, it said this was not for Marvel or Disney fans so I decided to watch it. Sooo true. This story perhaps had it's seed from a deep bore called the Kola Superdeep Borehole in the Pechengsky District, near the Russian border with Norway. Google it and read up, it was also talked about in an Art Bell episode of Coast to Coast AM. A microphone lowered down and the sounds of hell recorded, mua haha. Anyway, the movie was a great work of fiction based around this and having been spooked by the Art Bell episode many years ago, the creation of the monster melded of many souls seemingly fit quite well into the script.

I enjoyed this, it was a refreshing story when you know what insipired it, and no it was not the thing movie but the real life Kola Borehole.
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