Kim's Convenience: Friends and Family (2021)
Season 5, Episode 13
Weird ending for a show that knew it was ending
20 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Typically, when sitcom writers know the show will be ending, the finale is written to close up storylines in a happy way that will leave fans content with the way they've watched the characters grow and their relationships evolve. Most of Kim's Convenience felt like that, and I figured in the final season we'd see our 6.5 main characters all end up happy with themselves and each other--as in, Jung and Shannon's slow burn relationship would end on an uptick, like actually going on the Astounding Trek together, or even just happy; Kimchee finally feeling confident as AM at Handy, or finding something that made him happier; Janet and Gerald finding impactful things to do with their photography degrees we watched them spend 4 years working towards; Appa and Umma retiring, or opening another store, or getting some opportunity to travel like Umma mentions multiple times throughout the series.

Instead, Jung and Shannon break up, and Jung is still working as a backboy at Handy despite having his degree now; Janet is volunteering at some place since it's the only way she can even kind of use her degree, and Gerald is back working at KC, also not using his degree; Umma has a debilitating disease, and Appa really does nothing.

In all, the viewers spend years watching Shannon and Jung fall in love, Janet get her degree and try to find herself, Gerald gain some confidence, Kimchee...moving up the ladder? Appa and Umma are fairly stable characters and oftentimes it's that stability and wisdom that helps the younger characters deal with their own issues. At the end of all of that, literally everything feels like it was, more or less, for nothing. It's a very disappointing ending for characters I'd grown to care a lot about.

I also felt that, for a show that owes so much of its heart to the very real, charming, consistent side characters that pop in as customers at the store, this final season and especially the last episode was lacking when it came to scenes and storylines with these characters.

Honestly just a weird ending. Like the writers watched every single beloved and revered sitcom ending and said "Okay, now don't do any of that."

Also surprised that the final words weren't "See you!" but maybe that would have been a bit much.
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