Birds of Prey (2020)
Worse than expected
20 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Saw it on a flight, was a decent time waster but a horrible film. Other than Margo Robbie, who shines in her role, the other actors were miscast. This film was obviously a Robbie vehicle, as the director/editor loved to include many many various shots of her mugging for the camera. Robbie is great in smaller doses, like in One Upon a Time in Hollywood where she was the 3rd star. You want more of her, but when the film gives you too much you want less.

Evan McGregor: love the actor, but in this film he overacts. Not as bad as Pablo Pascal in WW 84, but it's clearly obvious here that comic book villains must overact for some reason. Rosie Perez, the world's most annoying actress in White Men Can't Jump with her loud accent, was surprisingly more subdued here. Didn't care for her or her character though. The girl who played Huntress reminded me of Richie's date the Statue of Liberty chick in the 70's Happy Days Halloween episode. Tall, clumsy, and not really there. The Wallmart toy crossbow they gave her was laughably small. A better actress with a "Darryl from Walking Dead-sized" Xbow would've worked better. The girl with the booger nose ring, please ladies, stop with this nonsense. It makes you look much much worse and it's very distracting. And lastly the worst casting of them all, the fat asian who played Cassandra was unbelievably bad. Running away through most of the film, not only did she not represent the comic character in looks but she was a wimp with zero abilities.

Most of the acting, directing and editing gets a zero. Do yourself a favor and skip this. No one's giving you the 2 hours back. I like superhero movies but this one falls flat.
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