Superdeep (2020)
If you imagine "The Thing" light, then you have "Superdeep"...
20 June 2021
When I read the synopsis for this 2020 movie titled "Superdeep" (aka "Kolskaya sverhglubokaya"), I must admit that I was immediately interested, as the movie sounds rather interesting. So as I had the chance to sit down to watch "Superdeep" here in 2021, of course I did so.

I must say that "Superdeep" is a movie that will find some appeal to fans of John Carpenter's "The Thing", as there are some interesting similarities between the two movies.

However, "Superdeep" just doesn't really match "The Thing" in terms of intensity or entertainment value. Now, don't get me wrong here, because "Superdeep" is definitely a watchable movie, but writer and director Arseny Syuhin just didn't have the same ability as John Carpenter to make this into an equally entertaining and disturbing movie.

What "Superdeep" was lacking was that sense of isolation, hopelessness and cosmic dread that "The Thing" had to it, and it was showing on the screen. Sure, I managed to sit through the entire movie, but I was only adequately entertained. However, "Superdeep" is not a movie that warrants a second viewing, as it just didn't have the contents to its storyline for more than a single viewing.

The acting in the movie were good, and it was rather nice to get to sit down and watch a movie like this without having familiar faces on the screen.

Something that was holding the movie back was the fact that it was a rather generic, linear and predictable movie. Writer and director Arseny Syuhin just didn't throw any curveballs to the audience along the way, much to a greater disappointment actually.

"Superdeep" is definitely winning points on its special effect and visual effects. The creature design was rather interesting, and the scenes where the people finally give into the spores is just amazing. Those scenes by themselves makes it well worth sitting down to watch "Superdeep".

Ultimately, while "Superdeep" was watchable, it was just not a memorable or outstanding sci-fi horror experience. It was a shame, though, because there definitely was a lot of untapped potential here in the movie.

My rating of the 2020 movie "Superdeep" lands on a mediocre five out of ten stars.
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