A stupid mess of a movie
20 June 2021
I watched this movie after seeing it in several people's lists of the best Kannada films of 2020. Thankfully, I have seen some other films from that list and from previous years, so I know that the industry can make good films. If I had seen this first, I probably wouldn't have seen another Kannada movie in my life.

I am all for innovative editing and playing with the screenplay. However, the movie should make sense in the final cut. PMT is just a bunch of scenes put together, without any thought given to how a story moves. Unfortunately, the messed up plot treatment undermines the talents of what look like pretty decent actors. A patchwork of scenes does not make a movie.

The most surprising thing is that the editor actually won at least one award for his work on this film. This is probably the worst editing I have seen in ages. Even B-grade Indian films have better editing these days.

Then there's the continuous inane background music that may have worked if the story made sense, but here, it just adds to the throbbing headache induced by the film.

I was going to give up in the first half an hour. But I am familiar with people whose only response to criticism is that the person criticizing didn't "get" it. So, I persisted for the nearly two-hour run time. No, it does not get better, though towards the end, you can at least make sense of the insane (not in a good sense) montage at the beginning of the film.

This is not a stylish film. It's just plain stupid. AVOID IT ANY COST.
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