Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Bounty Lost (2021)
Season 1, Episode 9
A Story that Clone Wars fans will love
25 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The story arc just keeps getting better and better. With the introduction of Cad Bane to the series i thought this was going to take off and it certainly has. Most of the first half of the episode is the standard, track down Omega, Omega whilst she's in Banes Cell and then the trade off with the Kaminoans. This honestly feels to the level of story telling as the clone wars had, great characters and a mission spanning multiple episodes. I cannot forgive them for introducing the Martinez sisters again but the rest of the 1 off stories have been good! This arc is awesome though!

The trade happens on a remote planet that used to house a cloning facility and we finding possibly the link to the Client, Dr. Pershing and the cloning facility on Nevarro from the Mandalorian. Reconing a major plot hole from the Rise of Skywalker is bold but again with the help of Filoni this seems to be so organic and should be apart of the Star Wars Saga. More of an early Kaminoan clone than a direct Snoke clone but still the same clouded chambers instead of the clean blue on the home Kamino facility.

Also great to the 2 fighting styles of Bane And Shand, one cowboy gunslinger and one tactically aware form expert.

Another great addition to the series!
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