Shallow like a 1 inch puddle, a cheap and overly polished PR video not a documentary
25 June 2021
We all know Mary J Blige as this raw, strong and tough yet kind hearted soft inside woman with a powerful voice, who had her share of trouble and hardships in life.

But judging from this documentary you definitely dont feel or sense that. Unlike the EXCELLENT documentary. Supervillian : making of Takashi 69 (i dont like him or music but the docu is first class) where you really get the sense of how his character was built, who he is and what he is about , nothing of that is present in this doc. About Mary J .

Except a few passing mentions of life in projects and how tough life is there is absolutely nothing worthwhile said specifically about her struggles, her life, how she saved herself. This film does a huge disservice to her image and the strenght she possessed to stay upright after all that has happened. Of which nothing really is said here.

A terrible lame product which mocks the term documentary, more like a product of her PR team and created to be "appropriate" for "ages from 5 to 95" with no bad words, no portrayals of how bad her life actually got, no truth or what it took for her character to be forged.

Pathetic shallow money product to put on shelves for fans of any age to buy while buying a T-shirt and a mug with her name on it.
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