Review of Ultras

Ultras (2020)
Simple uncomplex tale of Naples' Ultras....
25 June 2021
Okay, this is a simple enough story and you can already figure out very quickly how it will pan out. Our lead character is a man who has seen better days still stuck in his Ultras world trying to get out but getting pulled back in with a young impressionable boy who he seems to mentor... You get the idea already.

This isn't to the quality of Gamorrah the TV series etc, and really the writing and everything is quite basic. The best thing is actually our lead who is quite likeable despite all the baggage.

If you don't know anything about Ultras, this film isn't a great introduction. In truth, Ultras are quite a cross-section of left, right and extremes, sometimes violent but mostly comical despite what the papers try to paint them all as. Not dismissing the worst excesses. It's surrogate family for many. This film captures that idea a bit but doesn't delve into it, and is the poorer for it.

As a football film, it's actually better than the average, but that really is a low benchmark. Easy enough watch, but nothing valuable gained from it. Another film the Napoli tourist board will wish gets buried away very quickly.
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