Great potential-missing solution-based elements
26 June 2021
This documentary was on a good track but missed a lot of key points. The maybe-1 minute spent on "making healthy choices" was a complete cop out move because the producers likely didn't want to ruffle feathers of the agricultural industry. The doc touts soy as one of the biggest crops leading to deforestation-now let's continue to make the connections that the documentary fails to do: about 80% of all soy production is allocated to livestock feed. So, it makes sense to say that if humans decreased meat consumption, it would result in decreased demand for livestock production and subsequent decreased soy feed, and finally, decreased deforestation since soy wouldn't be as in demand. But, this film would not dare say or elude to consuming less meat because it was trying to keep all parties happy. The truth is: Feathers need to be ruffled here because the future of the planet is at stake. Agriculture is a huge money-making industry and eating (way) less meat is something they would fight against at all costs. However, it's actually something everyone could easily do to change the trajectory of the planet. It would also impact water use and pollutant run off, dead zones, etc.

Also, as another reviewer mentioned, nothing was stated about the global human capacity?! Earth resources can only sustain a certain amount of human population (and we have surpassed this long ago). Again, I think the movie was trying to sugar-coat everything so as not to upset anyone...but we are no longer in an era where we should be concerned with repopulating the world, so 2 children max (it's actually 1.5 but not sure how to navigate that one).
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