Mare of Easttown: Poor Sisyphus (2021)
Season 1, Episode 4
SOME improvements, but only some
26 June 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Siobhan's storyline is completely out of place, if it is completely irrelevant for the ending I will lower my score, but I must say... the scene where Helen (Mare's mother) gets hit by the door was absolutely HILARIOUS, I LOVE Jean Smart's character.

They keep making mistakes with some scenes with no sense. Why is the guy from the hospital WALKING? Like no, you were shot in the chest a few days ago, but he is walking like nothing happened. He should be death btw. What happened with the guy who shot him?? Is he in prison? They didn't keep showing him after questioning him.

What it's sad about this show is that it is FULL OF STEREOTYPES. Oh, a weird guy is kidnapping young girls in a small town, groundbreaking. The werid and rapist father? Church trying to cover everything? Try harder!

What's positive about this episode is that we get to see a little bit about Mare's son, that scene was very powerful and beautifully acted, I really liked it.
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