Top notch Scott western
27 June 2021
Larry Madden returns to Little River and finds himself in the middle of a land war. On one side is Tucker Ordway , owner of the Warbonnet Ranch and the father of Larry's former sweetheart; and on the other, gambler Cibo Pearlo , bent on taking over the ranch. Which side will Larry support?

Adapted from a Norman Fox - a prolific author who also penned Gunsmoke which turned into a 1953 western - novel, Tall Man Riding has an excellent narrative with the characters and their motives unwinding adeptly with Scott's character taking centre court as he seeks revenge against a rancher for whipping him and running him out. The edge comes from Scott's rather aggressive and bitter performance. The others characters such as the wormy main villain and Peggy Castle are well layered.

Gripping from start to finish, the action is exciting, plenty of shootouts, stagecoach chases, a gun duel in a dark room; the fist fight between the deputy and Scott is brilliantly staged as it drags out from the office to the street. It's one of the exciting western fights I have seen. The land rush at the end rounds up things nicely. The dialogue is sharp, too.
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