Review of LFG

LFG (2021)
Trolls will try, women will WIN
1 July 2021
I cried tears of pride and joy and anger many times watching this. An absolute 10 of a documentary. And then to see the pathetic sexist trolls dragging the rating with their feelings was both a shock and a reminder that we still live in the stone ages. These one star ratings are from little overemotional boys who can't separate their insecurity from filmmaking. How can anyone watch this and say "these women should shut up?" GOD! Each one of you would square up with Megan Rapinoe in a field shoot out match and see how you feel. How can you be against equal pay for these incredibly talented women? Arguably some of the most well-known athletes in the world? Winners far more than the men? And somehow he feel the need to drag down the ratings on this phone because it makes you feel like more than a man? How many more years but we have to live like this? I'm glad I watch this film I'm grateful for it. I highly recommend it. I hope other women and like-minded Film lovers will add more appropriate ratings that reflect the quality of this film making.
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