Star Wars: The Bad Batch: Common Ground (2021)
Season 1, Episode 10
Waste of our time
2 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
As an avid defender of this show every week, I was so disappointed with this episode. After 3 stellar episodes, I wasn't expecting a masterpiece. I was expecting.......something. But somehow, that didn't happen. Nothing happened. Utterly pointless episode.

I can usually defend slower, "filler" episodes by highlighting the development of the characters, relationship and themes. Unfortunately, we got none of that. We got some setup for potential development. But no resolution. The Bad Batch goes into their mission not trusting the Separatists and they come out the same way. No lesson learned about how some Separatists are different. Sure, they experienced it but the episode never touched on it. Omega is only here so that the writers can find a way to get rid of the Bad Batch's debt AKA the most forgettable, uninteresting plotline in the show. Am I glad it's gone? Yep. Could they have done something interesting to get rid of it? Yep. But instead they had Omega play space chess. I guess we learned that she's a good strategist. But why? It doesn't take much strategy to mop the floors of Kamino. Now, on to what little this episode DID have. The action. Was boring as hell. Shooting, running, shooting, sliding, piloting an AT-TE and for good measure, shooting. Usually, simple action is enough to entertain me but it was so boring this episode. Unlike with my other criticisms, I can't put my finger on why I had a problem with it. I just did.

Now, for some positives. The animation, as always, is gorgeous. Raxus, in particular was beautiful to look at. The palace, the forest, the streets and alleyways, the grass. As to be expected, this show delivers on the visual side and more! Also, even though the action bored me to death, it was cool seeing the AT-TE's again. Now, for the biggest positive. The opening scene featuring Avi Singh actively disobeying the Empire was pretty cool. Shame they didn't capitalize on this and expand upon it.

Overall: A pointless, skippable, messy borefest of an episode. 4/10.
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