okay song and dance, with some romance.
2 July 2021
Bill (Grant Withers) always danced with Jazzbo (Edna Murphy) until he meets Molly (Sue Carol). Who are these actors ? No-one knows. Not the first string actors of the day, which is why they don't show this one often. Only 100 votes on imdb currently. Bill and Molly hit it off right away, but will their dancing be as good as their romancing? This one is clearly a musical, so there's lot of singing by the actors and others. I'm not a big fan of musicals, so I would have preferred they used that money to spiff up the script, but what do i know? It's plain and simple, and over quickly, so i guess it all works out. Original story Three Flights up by Harry Freid. Directed by Ray Enright; directed from the 1920s up into the 1950s.
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