Another Round (2020)
A daring Danish warning disguised as a feel-good romp.
3 July 2021
I wish people would stop declaring Thomas Vinterberg's latest movie as a promotion of alcohol. Dig deeper people, this fantastic film is much more of a warning to casual drinkers about just how slippery the slippery slope into acoholism really is. And just like how our four primary protagonists joke at the thought of themselves being alcoholics, we too can be caught up in the cloud of denial that these characters ultimately become shrouded in.

Whilst at his own birthday celebration, Magnus Millang's psychology teacher, Nikolaj, casually slips into conversation with his three teaching collegues about a study done which proposed that humans naturally have lower-than-desired alcohol blood levels. The group seem uninterested, sip their wine and swiftly move onto a new topic. Mads Mikkelsen's character however, History teacher Martin, opens up to the group about his internal struggles- which he identifies are linked to his lack of motivation to teach when compared to his younger days.

Soon enough, the group find themselves undertaking a research project which involves drinking the equivalent of 1-2 glasses of wine before a school day and subsequently recording the effects, which begin positive. We see where this is going, yet, I remained glued to the big screen as I was fascinated about the excuses that the teachers would conjure in order to raise the amount of alcohol they would consume.

I'm convinced that this film will speak to many drinkers, casual or heavy, reminding them how fragile they are. They walk the line of alcoholism everytime they drink. And after the struggle of a year that many have faced, that line may be finer for some more than others. Screen this movie everywhere you can- it contains a needed message whilst being delightfully wrapped up in a sweet, feel-good container which is fulled to the brim with dark humor.

No, it doesn't compare to Mads' 2013 project with the same director, The Hunt, but it does offer a two-in-one. What a beautifully made blast-of-a-movie that carries a hidden lesson we could all learn.
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