Kalp Yarasi (2021–2022)
Started well but writers ruined it.
7 July 2021
First few episodes - An interesting twist and the beginning of a new love. The main actors Gokhan Alkan & Yagmur Tanrisevsin (she is so beautiful) have such good chemistry and I'm really excited to see their love blossom. This series has a lot of potential and it will be interesting to see the direction in which the writers take this series.

The longer it continues - Why do the writers spoil these characters to such an extend that I don't want to watch anymore? They made a beautiful character, Ayshe, into a deranged person who keeps going back and forth, forcing Ferit to sign divorce papers, then blaming him for going along with her wishes, then loves him again, then fights with him for no reason...it's getting boring. Be consistent with the characters. This series had more potential but the direction the writers take some of these characters is overdoing it. Ayshe has become schizophrenic.

The chemistry between Ayshe and Ferit is not there anymore and it's not entirely the characters' fault...the writers are to blame.

Episode 21 (half way) and I'm done with this series. The writers have ruined this series. I'm now so frustrated with Ayshe that I don't care if they take her heart and lungs and kidneys. Let her walk and get hit over the head. Go to sleep Ferit and get some self-respect...stop begging a brat who is drowning in self-pity. She just likes to make life difficult for everyone and then blame you for it.

It went from my favorite series to one I can stop watching in the middle.

Not interesting anymore.
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