A Chaotic Storyline That Didn't Paint the Full Picture
7 July 2021
I am a big fan of Bright Sun Films and have been anticipating this documentary since it's announcement.

However the film was sorta a let down for me and heres why:

1. The Interviewees

I found almost all the interviews to be lacking structure and the story's a bit dull. During the behind the scenes video they did express how difficult it was to find qualified people to interview and I definitely believe that would be a huge challenge on a topic like this.

The interviewees didn't really provide much insight into the actions/decisions made behind closed doors within Six Flags Corp. Ryan Bordenave however, was a fantastic speaker and storyteller of the events that unfolded.

I think the story was too focused on the old fun memories than on the hurricane/abandoned situation itself.

2. The Hurricane

I found the transition into the hurricane itself (president bushes address) super sudden with only the one interviewee mentioning it quickly. It didn't flow too well.

I was expecting most of the documentary to be footage/stories of the hurricane itself. However the footage of the storm only lasted a few mere minutes.

3. The Parks Decay

The lack of close up footage of the park decay and abandoned state really shocked me. There were a lot of fantastic drone shots but it was impossible to really see the overgrown/decay of the rides and buildings from above. There really should have been a lot of close up and jaw dropping B roll shots of the park.

During one part they were exploring a few of the buildings, but that was it. Not much exploring the rides or other areas of the park.

4. Ending Vote

I may not have picked up what was going on during the voting section at the end of the film but I didn't think it was clear what was actually happening. Who were these companies they were voting on? And what was the plan?

5. The Interview Camera Work

(This one is kinda a nitpick)

Being a videographer for many years myself I was really surprised on the style of camera shots they chose for the interviews. The vast majority of the shots had the background in almost clear focus with no depth of field. This may have been a personal choice but it is uncommon to see that shot style in films.


I know I was super harsh here but I really wanted to be honest of my thoughts on the film. This was a major achievement for Bright Sun Films and the team should be super proud! I'd still watch it again and recommend to my friends! Great work!

The score was also incredible! It really gave Toy Story vibes at times.
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