Charlie's Angels: Hours of Desperation (1978)
Season 2, Episode 15
Explosive Angels
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Why it is that every 70's TV show had at least one episode centered around diamonds, either stealing or smuggling? Is it because they are forever... providing plotlines? In this version, a man named Murdock, played by CA veteran Edward Power (first season episode The Mexican Connection where he played a pilot involved with heroin dealing), betrays his diamond stealing partners because he wants to keep all the profits for himself. This really angers a man named Dinsmore, played with scenery chewing panache by Stanley Kamel. He really goes over the top with his performance and unlike the 1st season episode on a cruise ship where Frank Gorshin gave a similar performance, it works well here, we really think the guy is nuts.

He holds Sabrina and Bosley hostage in the Townsend Agency office and demands that Kelly and Kris get his diamonds back or he'll blow Sabrina to bits by igniting the explosive chastity belt he's made her wear.

This leads to Kelly and Kris following leads all over town in order to hunt Murdock down and retrieve the diamonds. They almost catch him at a hospital (Murdock had been shot by Dimsmore's partner Mr. Brown), but he managed to check himself out before the cops or Angels arrived.

Kelly tracks one of the bribed security guards to a spa (played by John Quade, another 70's era bad guy, known for the Buck Rodgers episode "The Plot to Kill a City" where he was a member of the Legion of Death, because of course) where Kelly puts on a Texas accent in order to fool him into revealing Murdock's hideaway. Kris tracks the other security guard to a Country Western bar where she pretends to be a county singer looking for her agent, who just happens to be Murdock. Kris looks great in her tight jeans and fringed suede jacket. She errs however when she fails to listen in on a pay phone conversation the guard has with Murdock himself, where it's revealed that the singer Kris is pretending to be died three weeks earlier. She should have been a little more sleuth-like in that moment.

Eventually Kelly and Kris both end up at Murdock's hideout only to discover him dead from his bullet wound. But not before they're both taken hostage by the guards who figure out their ruse. Kelly errs this time, revealing her gun before Kris can safely run out of harm's way. But eventually it all works in their favor because the guards are pretty dumb and erred the day they were born.

This all leads to the grand finale where Dinsmore and Williams are lured to a remote location thinking they're going to get their diamonds back, instead Kelly and Kris save the day (and Sabrina's life) when koo koo for cocoa puffs Dinsmore fails to activate Sabrina's bomb belt when she jumps in a lake.

We end back in the Townsend office where Sabrina has caught the death of a cold from that lake jump, because that's how colds spread. Overall, a fun episode, even if stretches all credulity.
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