Review of Mockery

Mockery (1927)
The key word to understand this film lies in its . . .
9 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
. . . title. The pernicious propaganda peddlers behind this farce carefully craft their mute movie to make a MOCKERY of True Blue Loyal Patriotic Average Normal Progressive Union Label Working Stiff Citizens. Using a dull palette of demeaning adjectives including "peasant," "idiot," beggar" and "fool," nefarious filmmakers picture workers as chunky people with bad teeth, bad hair and bad posture, while the idle leeching class is uniformly portrayed with perfect choppers, having every hair in place while sporting svelte athletic bodies. This perverse penny pinch-er puff piece glorifies malingering miscreants described in title cards as "war profiteers," while denigrating every character doing a lick of Real Work. To add in salt to MOCKERY, the Groaning Fat Cat One Per Centers go so far as to suggest that the Common Every-man would be better off nestled under the wicked wings of the crime gang ringleaders than in supplementing an honest wage with their share of the malicious money hoarders' redistributed ill-gotten wealth.
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