If you go down to the canal today ...
9 July 2021
Bloated fishy creatures make life miserable for a gang of mainly likeable friends on a boating holiday. The canal and surrounding area is very nicely shot by Charley Steeds, nicely showing off the beautiful UK countryside - and this makes a deceptively calm backdrop for when horrible things begin to happen.

Funnily enough, after a very effective first half, things dip a bit when the creatures turn up, and events seem to be heading in very familiar slasher territory (a scene prior to this involving the group entering a typically unfriendly country pub is surprisingly clichéd). This lull, however, doesn't last long.

The character of Ben is a cartoon character really, played as such by Matt Swayles. I get the impression he's brought in as light relief, which is fair enough, but seems a bit incongruous when everyone else is played as 'real'. Having said that, there are some nods into horror cliché which means Ben isn't entirely on his own.

I really enjoyed The Barge People. The budget is clearly a consideration - it would, therefore, be unfair to have a go at it because of a lack of multi-million dollar CGI effects or whatever. The creatures themselves look pretty convincing to me, although more could perhaps be made of their aquatic origins, which is never really explored.

All in all, great fun. 8 out of 10.
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