Funniest movie I've ever seen. Was literally peeing my pants and screaming out loud while watching it.
10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Funniest movie I've ever seen. Was literally peeing my pants and screaming out loud while watching it. In 1978, Gary Warne and the San Francisco Suicide Club screened this movie on a double bill with The 5000 Fingers of Dr. T. at the Roxie Cinema on 16th St. In San Francisco. The show was billed "A Tribute to Paranoia" The theater was packed out standing room only.

The 5000 Fingers is a great movie, but Catch as Catch Can was almost impossibly hilarious. It seemed like every animal in the entire world was trying to kill or at least maim the lead character played by Vittorio Gassman.

Admittedly it's been over 40 years since I saw it, but I recall the entire theater was in stitches all through the movie so I guess it'll be as funny the next time I (hopefully) see it..
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