Swamp Thing: Worlds Apart (2019)
Season 1, Episode 2
Slow episode.
10 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
A bit slow of an episode. The show is taking its time to properly find its roots - no pun intended -, which I think is good. I know Swamp Thing technically isn't the main character, Abby is, but the show is based on him and named after him. And while I understand that he's finding out his purpose and that he's more of a recurring character at the moment because of that while everything else is more of a focus, I hope we start seeing more of him in future episodes as the show picks up. That's probably a weird thing to say considering this is only the second episode and Swamp Thing became Swamp Thing at the end of the series premiere, it just felt like he wasn't in this episode enough. Hopefully, that'll change soon. I'm sure it will.
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