Keys do turn!
11 July 2021
Turn the key softly 1953

A British drama based on a novel by John Brophy, of the same name. Three women, convicted for different crimes, happen to be released from the prison on the same morning. What happens on that day to them is the story. Though it deals with only a day in their lives, it portrays the character of the lives of these three women. Directed by Jack Lee, the cast includeses Yvonne Mitchell, Joan Collins and Kathleen Harrison as the three leading ladies.

Circumstances play a role on the day of release for the emancipation of the three. Joan Collins being tempted to go back to old ways after meeting her former mate and her final turning the back on her past while walking away with her new found love is lovely but Kathleen Harrison's struggles don't end on the same note. Yvonne Mitchell being led back to the same situation which had convicted her, by her boy friend and her firm turning away from him and the situation, forms another bright spot.

The general theme that it is possible to turn around even from the brink is well portrayed by two of the characters, even though Mrs Quillium (Kathleen Harrison) misses the bus. Overall, it is a drama which keeps us interested even though it is predictable at times.
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