Mannix: A Chance at the Roses (1970)
Season 3, Episode 16
As usual - plot holes, contradictions and clichés
11 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This one is about a guy who robs a pharmacy and then runs from the cops when they confront him outside the store.

Unfortunately, this episode is filled with plot holes which start in the very first scene where the cops are talking in their car about receiving a tip that Danny was going to rob the pharmacy again when it was revealed later on that THEY THEMSELVES SET UP THE HEIST, so why are they talking about receiving a tip that he was going to rob the store??? Then when Danny runs away from the police after exiting the pharmacy, they MAKE NO ATTEMPT to stop him but simply LET HIM GET AWAY, and as a result, everyone spends the whole episode trying to find him because the cops simply let him get away. There was also no explanation provided on how the guy who got shot in the pharmacy was not injured even though Danny CLEARLY SHOT HIS GUN AT HIM. I'm assuming the gun had blanks in it and that's why the guy wasn't injured, but this was never explained or followed up on during the episode.

There's also a major contradiction throughout the episode as everyone keeps saying Danny is afraid of guns but yet he clearly DID fire a gun at the guy in the pharmacy at the beginning and clearly WAS pointing a gun at the cop at the end. None of it makes any sense.

Then there are all of the clichés in this one - Joe once again gets clobbered over the head, gets shot at but never hit, and gets followed by the bad guys but either doesn't notice or doesn't do anything about it.

There are a few bright spots in this one. There's a good chase scene in the hospital and the performances by Jan Merlin and Sandy Kenyon as the mobsters are really good, as is the performance by Ted de Corsia as Danny's father. Too bad they weren't accompanied by a better plot and were wasted in what was otherwise a bad episode.
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