The Banishing (2020)
It is worth a watch due to Jessica Brown Findlay; from Downton Abby performance she is excellent
12 July 2021
The Banishing (2021) is the latest film from Christopher Smith, director of such chillers as Creep (2005), Severance (2006) and Triangle (2009). This is a very drama focused horror film, and as such there is a bit of time investment required by the viewer before 'The Banishing' offers up some scares.

The Banishing is a restrained and rather muddled ghost story set in pre-WW2 Britain. Taking a more traditional approach to the haunted house tale, the film focuses more on characters and drama. There is great emphasis on the film's context, not just the parallels with the foreboding and inevitable conflict with fascism, but also the social isolation felt by the mother and her illegitimate child.

The bulk of "The Banishing" consists of Marianne (Jessica Brown Findlay; from Downton Abby) facing the demons that have emerged from the tarnished history of Borley. Jessica Brown Findlay is the saving grace of this moody ghost story her superior performance. She is a great actress and kept the film engaging.

On its technical merits, the film is quite satisfactory. It is well-shot, with creative framing in many scenes. The soundtrack is chilling and unnerving when it needs to be. The Banishing admittedly provides a genuine threat, though the ending itself was too similar to that which many past horror films have used as misdirection before unveiling their real ending. It is worth a watch for the period setting of the 1930's WWII Britain and the standout performance of Jessica Brown Findlay.
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