Evidence of Russian film industry progress.
13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I'll warn you that I find superhero films as they currently are pretty dull. Marvel movies are calculated until they have no risk or soul--and lets be honest, that's pretty much what Disney is all about. The big problem I have with most of these types of movies is that they are indistinct and safe.

This film wouldn't have been made in America because we wouldn't focus on an intrepid police side character. We tend to lean toward Batman and less toward a James Gordon story. Which means no matter how much a movie may grapple with the morality of their vigilante they won't paint them a villain. This movie inverts that equation and kinda looks down on this super-vigilante-dude.

This felt distinct to me, like something that could have come out back between 2000 and 2010. It has a film noir style that works. Characters have agency and don't simply serve the story. The dialogue comes out of the characters mouths and feels genuine. There's no Joss Whedon film student dialogue that will make your eyes roll out of your head. Plus the actors are great.

I recommend this to people that may have fallen out of love with the superhero genre.
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