They lied to me.
13 July 2021
I can't believe how many people have lied to me. Nobody told me Germany had been called in to deffend Norway from British aggression. How can anyone find fault with Germany for answering the call for help? But, they did, and not only in Norway, but everywhere else the Germans went during WW2. All I have ever heard is hatred of the German Nazi party. Throughout the film I was reminded how important spies are for collecting information. There were many opportunities throughout this conflict when spies could have delivered information that would have prevented the war. Where were they? The king never even read the documents brought by the German envoy. What a tragic and unnecessary loss of lives. In any case, the film is well made. The King is so loving and tender with his family, it warmed my heart. He is adorable with his grandchildren. It really touched my heart to see this very frail old man forced to play the role of monarch, a grandfather and a father all at the same time. The pressure on him to make a decision about Germany was so obviously causing him distress. I could not help thinking to myself throughout the movie that the adults did not spend enough time talking about everything that was happening. They rushed around far too fast, jumping to conclusions about the Germans. The Germans stated clearly at the beginning of the film that Norway was not strong enough to deffend itself from British aggression. Why run away, then? Why not let Germany do the job they were assigned to do?
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