Last week a student asked me for an example of an oxymoron
14 July 2021
Last week a student asked me for an example of an oxymoron.... if only I knew about 'Straight Edge Kegger' Ok this little movie isn't w/o a few charms, a sometimes fun (if you're bored enough or have always secretly harbored thoughts of taking out a few self righteous no-fun allowed on our watch X-edge bozos) though mostly underwhelming horror'ish flick. Mostly just blood n guts and senseless killing w/o any real heart or thought put into it. In the end nothing anyone will remember 10 minutes after the credits roll.

FINAL Thoughts: 1. Could be fun to watch with friends as a foundation for a drinking game 2. Get over it, once you're legally old enough to drink its called 'sober' not 'straight edge'.
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