Dog: Impossible (2019– )
silly psycho babble nonsense for dogs
18 July 2021
First off, the premise that "there are no bad dogs" is just ignorant, and it's clearly targeted to the less critically minded among us who have to attribute human emotions and feelings to animals. People who believe in stuff like dogs are our children and dogs love us unconditionally, and bad dogs are just dogs that grew up deprived are living a fantasy life. If you're one of those, don't let me stop you from your silly projections but you might as well be dosing for all that your delusions are doing for you. What's a bad dog anyway? Is that aggressive junkyard dog a 'bad' dog? Probably not to it's owner but I wouldn't want it around my kids no matter how much rehab it got. And on that segue, the part where the 'dog expert' related his own personal rehab story to dogs is where I turned left. That and the many instances where they mishandle the dogs and babble on with terms that relate to humans not dogs, as if they actually know what they're doing. I'll wager a lot of money that if these are real stories, and they really made an attempt to change the dogs, they didn't help one single dog on this show. Where's the testimonials and affidavits from people with dogs that they've helped. Where's his credentials? Calling yourself an animal behaviorist, or dog therapist, or guru or whatever doesn't make it so. All I see is a huckster who can talk game to the feeble minded. And I object to the buddhist reference because choking dogs and putting them in stressful situations is not the way, grasshopper. Real experts of dogs, who know breeds and dog behavior based on science and experience and not 'good feelings' will actually point out that these people are not only not helping the dogs on the show but there are several instances where they're actually abusing the animals, physically and emotionally. If that's how they treat dogs at his high end dog spa, somebody please call the spca.
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