20 July 2021
Survival tips for those that don't need to survive!

If you are perfectly Able and could quite happily walk away from any of these situations without the need for help, these survival tips will be for you!

In one episode, a poor gentleman has severely injured his spine, leg, punctured his lung and fractured his hip! He had a survival kit in the front of his car which he couldn't reach due to not being able to move and was told that he should use an ax to break the light of his car to start a fire, gather all the car mats in his car and use the wilderness to create makeshift bowls for water (he had a bottle and a small Tupperware to collect water), identify burdock and eat it and use a tire sealants tube and knife (he doesn't have) to carve a whistle into it, use a perfectly placed stick in the tube and put it into the tyre (which he couldn't reach because cannot get off his back) to get attention from the nearby road!

Overall the survival techniques were ridiculous and would not have helped those that were in these situations absolutely ridiculous!

Basically it's a show that tells you how you could have survived using things you don't have based around a situation you survived with things you did have!
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