Good effort by the leads, but a distant second to the original
21 July 2021
Warner Brothers waited just 14 years to remake its hit 1938 film, "A Slight Case of Murder." And, it's doubtful that it paid off to remake it at all. This retitled film - also based on a Damon Runyan 1935 play, had box office receipts of $2.5 million. It didn't even match the $2.9 million in box office of the 1938 film. That was with considerably higher ticket prices and more population to draw from. And, I think it's ridiculous to call a film a musical just because a couple of people sing along with a song on a record player.

To be fair, this is a good film. If the first film had not been made, this one would no doubt have done much better. But whenever a movie is remade, especially in less than 20 years between films, the comparison by critics and early viewers is a certainty. And, by no stretch can this film come close to the original. Broderick Crawford gives a very good performance here. But he would have to have given the greatest performance of all films for the past 10 years - or something like that, to have equaled Edward G. Robinson as Remy Marco. Oh, yeah, in this film the family name is spelled Marko.

Only one of the roles in this remake is up to its original role in the first film. That's Claire Trevor as Nora, Remy's wife. She's as good or better than Ruth Donnelly. Trevor gives a different touch to the role and she shines in it. As to the rest, the Brothers Warner couldn't come close to the original roles. Alan Jenkins as Mike was not to be outdone by Charles Cantor. Sheldon Leonard is good in these roles, and his Lefty is just about as good as Edward Brophy in the first film. Harry Morgan is a draw with Joe Downing as Innocence. But all the rest of this cast have considerably lesser roles or performances.

Anyone who hasn't seen the first film may enjoy this one. But, for those who have seen the original, its best to pass on this one.
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