Charlie's Angels: Angel Blues (1978)
Season 2, Episode 19
Country Heartbreak Angels
24 July 2021
This was one of the more morose episodes of the show, about a country singer who ends up dead from a from a forced heroin overdose. Bess Gatewood plays Amy Waters, singer of the country hit "Trippin' to the Mornin'", and she goes all out with the tears. Her performance definitely sells the viewer on her problems.

A taxi ride is an interesting storytelling device used as the Angels retrace the steps Amy made the night she died. They question each person Amy visited along the way. Sabrina has a forceful scene with a music producer, while Kris rides along with the same taxi driver who gave Amy her ride on the fateful night. Kelly has a run in with one of Amy's user boyfriends, and as always she handles herself well in a tense situation.

A notable guest star is Vincent Schiavelli (the creepy subway guy from Ghost) playing what else? A bad guy. It's called typecasting.

There's melancholy when the case is solved, with Charlie himself admitting he's moved by Amy Water's music, as her hit song plays out in the final scene.
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