This must be awful if the filmmakers stooped to ripping off Al Adamson!
27 July 2021
Al Adamson was one of the worst filmmakers of the 1960s-70s....much like Ed Wood Jr. Was in the 50s. So imagine my surprise when the IMDB trivia says that the film's title was a ripoff of an Al Adamson title! Wow...talk about setting the bar low! And, this combined with some other trivia (such as the filmmakers running out of money repeatedly and filming as they wrote the thing) lead me to set my expectations VERY low for this movie.

Aliens have come to take over the Earth. But instead of just wiping out people with a plague or ray or space ships, they decide to bring back various monsters and unleash them on the planet. Now considering they reanimate less than a dozen, it would take 158,007 years (more or less) to depopulate the planet! Additionally, while the leader (Michael Rennie) is remorseless and evil, the women that work for him all end up being horny for humans and very emotional.

Occasionally, this film changes abruptly in look--meaning it was pieced together over a long period and, possibly, by different filmmakers and filmstock.

However, this pieced together look is not the problem with the movie, nor are the cheap looking monsters. No, the problem is that the movie is just incredibly boring...making it a bad film that's not even fun to watch in order for a laugh!
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