Groovy Psycho Slasher About A Boy And His Mother.
30 July 2021
I honestly may in the minority here but I honestly don't care. I just cannot understand for the life of me why this movie is so poorly rated... which is why I'm writing this review. For one thing, this is NOT a rip off of Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho" by any means per say (like some other ignorant reviewer said). Sure there appears to be some definite inspiration from the unforgettable 1960 classic in addition to a couple similarities but both movies are still incredibly different on their own terms and nowhere near being the same to even qualify as such (at least IMO). Though I guess to each their own!

NoBH also is flawed here and there but definitely not enough to the dire extent that other viewers have made it out to be, or when compared to certain other efforts from the same era (I can think of more than a few). The title is not that misleading either per say (maybe a little bit), but this isn't a splatter movie. It is a slasher with psychological horror and mystery elements. For an obscure, low-budget Independent Horror flick, Night of Bloody Horror is enjoyably trashy as it is a rather bizarre, creepy, psychedelic and interesting b-movie from start to finish. I was pretty unsettled by several scenes, especially the first brutal murder of the protagonist's fiancée and the last 20 minutes. I just wasn't expecting that at all to be honest. The pacing kind of drags midway through that wasn't much of a problem for me. There are even a few pretty ingenious and unique camera tricks that Joy N. Houck Jr. Has up his sleeve that make for a intriguing, if not occasionally visually-stunning experience despite the low-grade picture quality.

For fans of Herschell Gordon Lewis, obscure Horror or schlocky, campy movies, this one is a MUST! Here's to hoping that Night of Bloody Horror gets a Blu Ray or even a DVD release that is actually well deserved (likewise with Women And Bloody Terror), the latter is extremely hard to obtain. Not sure why but it seems as that all you can find on the internet is the film either cut or in substandard quality which is quite unfortunate to say the least. Gerald McRaney is solid in the lead role for someone who has never acted before, same with the rest of the cast.. especially Evelyn Hendricks as Wesley's depressed mom. In my opinion, there is quite a bit to be enjoyed here if given the proper audience and restoration, but hopefully one day soon!

Review by Owen Davis.
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